Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Monday, December 1, 2014

Digital Story Annotated Bibliography

Samantha Caruso-Taylor
FYS Digital media and social justice
1 December, 2014

Dockterman, Eliana. "Medals Aren't Enough: Female Olympians Still Have to Sell Sexiness." Time. Time, 12 Feb. 2014. Web. 30 Nov. 2014.
The article in Times Magazine is, “Medals Aren’t Enough: Female Olympians Still Have to Sell Sexiness.” This article highlights how women athletics have become more about their looks than their talents. When you see a female athlete in an add on on TV, it’s nothing to do with their talent and everything to do with their looks. This article argues how a female athlete’s looks are what sell them not their athletic talent. Many female athletes, especially Olympians admit in this article that they have to do anything to get endorsement, for their training during the four years that they’re off air. This article contributes to my project because it highlights one of my concerns female athletes being under appreciated, as a runner I want to be appreciated for what I do on the track not how I look in a bathing suit. This article will help inform me because it highlights the athlete side of the issue, which my other sources do not.
Mulvey, Laura. "The Male Gaze Laura Mulvey." The Male Gaze Laura Mulvey. Linkedin Corporation, 7 Oct. 2009. Web. 01 Dec. 2014.
This slide show explores the male gaze of the media, how the media portrays females changes how men look at women. How women are sexualized in the media defeats the role that they have, it becomes more about what they wear or being inferior to the men. The male gaze applies to women as well, when they see the way the media portrays women, they become jealous or think that that is how they need to look to get men. This slide show contributes to my project because it gives me an idea of how to get my point across and avoid the male gaze, if I provoke the male gaze my project will not have an everlasting effect. This slide show gives me specific examples of films or images that encourage the male gaze, examples of what not to present to avoid the male gaze. For my project I think that the number one priority for me would to be avoid visuals that encourage the male gaze. This slide show made me more aware of what the male gaze is and how it can take away from the point that I am trying to convey to the audience.
Miss Representation. Dir. Jennifer S. Newsom. Perf. Katie Couric, Rachel Maddow, Condoleeza Rice, and Gloria Steinem. Netflix. Jennifer S. Newsom, 2011. Web. 21 Nov. 2014.
The movie Miss Representation aims to educate viewers on the media’s portrayal of women. Throughout the film, statistics were provided to help the viewer understand the reality of the issue. This film raised some good points, for example “ women are put in films as sex objects, just body props for young men viewers” (Miss representation).  This point shows how women are rarely viewed as human beings in the media. This film helped me learn the shocking reality of the media and how they expose women. I will use consider this film when creating my project because the way they set up the film was useful. To have real life examples and statistics, gave the film variety to present their information. This source will help inform my project by highlighting the big problems with how the media portrays women.
Bahadur, Nina. "Women In The Media: Female TV And Film Characters Still Sidelined And Sexualized, Study Finds." The Huffington Post. 13 Nov. 2012. Web. 1 Dec. 2014.
This article provided even more statistics concerning women in the media and how it is affecting young girls in today's society. This article mentions how women are not portrayed as having powerful, important jobs but rather being skinny or looking the best. This article challenges directors to portray women in a way that girls can look up to them and boys respect them. Women need to take on bigger roles in the media, need to be given more lines that show their importance in the media. This article is helpful because it explains how the media influences the careers that girls aspire to have. The media has such a huge influence on young people and they should be taking advantage of that. This article raises a great point about how movie and TV program producers have a huge responsibility when it comes to portraying women in the media. This article will help me portray the importance of portraying women in careers that young girls will aspire to pursue as well. This article does a great job of highlighting the flaws of the media, but provides concrete improvements as well.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Digital story : Negative portrayal of women in the media.

For my digital story I am going to reflect how the media portrayed the ideal woman, what role women play. When I was growing up I had a happy life, I loved me until about seventh grade when the way I chose to represent myself got questioned, who I was was not considered pretty and that hurt. Boys did not like me for who I was because the media showed them what woman should look like. Some days during my eighth grade year it was hard for me to go to school, to face the mocking because I was not what most guys were looking for. Going to an all girls high school really improved my self esteem and taught me that it was okay to be who I was, but unfortunately that did not change the boys view of me, they still compared me to the girls in the media. Everything they knew about women and relationships came straight from the media, no matter how much I tried to just be myself there was always something that they wanted to change about me.
The way the media portrays women is not realistic for how we really look. Despite the constant change that was demanded from me to be their dream girl, attending an all girls catholic high school helped me be myself and change for no one. But unfortunately there are young girls in this world who do not have that positive influence, they see how women are portrayed in the media and think that it's how they need to look.In the media female athletes are looked at for their bodies not their talents. In an article from times magazine “ “Medals aren’t enough: Women athletes still have to sell sexiness” (thirdeyemom) the author states, “despite the progress women’s athletics have made since Title IX in 1972, the law that required girls and women’s sports to get equal public funding, female athletes are still asked to walk the narrow line between empowered and sexy in order to earn endorsements” (thirdeyemom). This means that despite the funding for women athletics, they are still not getting recognized for their athletic abilities.  
The movie 'Miss representation' in my opinion does a great job of providing the facts and demonstrating how women are under appreciated. Throughout the film they provide statistics that show how drastic the media has become in putting down women. “ 53% of 13 year olds are unhappy with their body, that number increases to 78% by age 17” (Miss representation). This is only one of the many statistics that demonstrate how the media downgrades women. This film is brutally honest because unfortunately women are looked at for their bodies over their intellect. In this film the question of ‘When is someone going to stand up to ?’ came up and that is a fabulous question because we can talk about it all we want, but unless actions are taken nothing will be different in ten years time.
The ways women are portrayed in the media has directly affected my own life recently, raised in a catholic family and attending catholic school for 12 years, I knew that marriage is where sex belonged and the media made me question my beliefs. As i watched anything from ‘gossip girl’ to ‘mean girls’ premarital sex was constantly the focal point of relationships, that made me wonder did the catholic faith have the idea of sex wrong? No it’s media that is distorting God’s purpose and intention for sex, it’s supposed to be life bearing, not recreational as it has become. Girls see sex being portrayed in the media as fun and okay before marriage, is that the message you want a 12 year old girl to receive everyday? The statistic of premarital sex in today's society shocked me, “ more than 20% of teens have sex before the age of 14” (Miss representation).  
I want to use this digital story to raise awareness about how the media stifles young girls and women from being individuals that are valued for more than just their bodies. I am going to use Stupeflix to create a video that demonstrates how the media portrays women and how I was able to ignore the media and be myself. I chose this program because I plan on combining still pictures and audio tracks together to create a video that highlights the negativity of women in the media. This video will raise awareness of how women are under appreciated.
Work cited
Miss Representation. Dir. Jennifer S. Newsom. Perf. Katie Couric, Rachel Maddow, Condoleeza Rice, and Gloria Steinem. Netflix. Jennifer S. Newsom, 2011. Web. 21 Nov. 2014.
Thirdeyemom. "“Miss Representation”: How Women Are Truly Viewed in Society and Why It Damns Us." Thirdeyemom. Wordpress, 12 Feb. 2014. Web. 21 Nov. 2014

Monday, November 3, 2014

Literature review

In an article that I found a lot is being done to make cyber bullying a term of the past. But, cyber bullying is still a real thing in our society none the less.In 2004 an increase of cyber bullying was found since 2000, " In 2004, the Internet safety education website surveyed the same number of students between grades four and eight and found that 42 percent of students had been bullied online; 35 percent of those surveyed had been threatened and many said it had happened more than  once."  This survey shows that cyber bullying is a real problem that has escalated between four years, but considering that that survey is from ten years ago the numbers now could be even more increased. Despite the increase of cyber bullying there has been an increase of action to prevent cyber bullying as well, "According to Hinduja and Patchin of the Cyber bullying Research Center, as of September 2014, twenty US states had legislation and/or policies that specifically addressed cyber bullying. Forty- nine states and the District of Columbia had anti-bullying legislation in place." These actions are aimed at putting cyber bullying to an end by not allowing the bullies to get away with bullying others through social networks. Because of victims taking extreme measures in response to cyber bullying, like suicide, many organizations and governments have taken actions to prevent cyber bullying from happening to so many children who do not deserve this hate. This article did surprise me because I did not know of the government actions that have been taken to prevent cyber bullying from happening, like the anti-cyberbullying legislation that is in place in forty-nine states. Cyber bullying really is more serious than it seems to a common person just living, I had no idea about these actions before researching it. More awareness needs to be raised, so that others know about the seriousness of cyber bullying in our generation.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Cyberbullying is NOT okay.

I was strolling through Facebook today when I saw a video on cyberbullying, this video showed how viral and far cyberbullying has gone in our society today. In this video a dance studio used their talents to demonstrate the effects of cyberbullying and how damaging to a person it can really be. This video really spoke volumes to me  because it was so true. The part that hit me the most is when they said, 'If cyberbullying was a school, I bet half the people I knew would be sitting in the Principal's office. I bet most of them would not graduate to get there degree in kindness.' That is probably so true, people are mean and cruel online but to your face their kind and innocent. I honestly wish that I was not here blogging about cyberbullying, but I am because it's a real thing that affects so many people in our generation today, it's a real thing that needs to be put to a stop. But from my research I have found that bullies are not always kids that just get joy out of bullying, but rather kids that get bullied in their own homes, kids that just want to get attention, kids that have been the victim themselves; I have found that bullies are more than the cruel person people make them out to be. For some they bully because that's how they were raised, that's what they were taught as being right. Cyberbullying is not always about the bully wanting to be mean, but none the less cyberbullying is still wrong regardless of the motive. From what the video suggests cyberbullying is not decreasing, only increasing the more and more that technology increases. As technology advances so does the accessibility and frequency of cyberbullying, it's only get worse. Cyberbullying needs to be spoken out about, people need to know that its not right, it's not acceptable to put down someone that you won't even face to face with. Cyberbullying is the coward's way out, too scared to come face to face with the victim, but willing to knock them down behind their screen where they can become completely anonymous, no one will never know it was you. Cyberbullying is nothing new, it's been happening since the beginning of technology, but i think it's finally time that someone speaks out and ends this phenomena.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Cyber bullying

My social action project will respond to the issue of cyber bullying which affects people of all ages. Bullies can sit behind their computers and bully whoever they want to. It is wrong that these bullies have so much power, they get away with pushing someone to suicide. Cyber bullying is using social media to put someone down with name calling, insults, put downs, or threats. Personally I have been a victim of cyberbullying, and it hurts because there was no bystanders, there was no one there to stand up for me because it was between me and the bully, only with courage on my part could something had been done, but like most victims I did not say anything in fear of what could result from me speaking up. Fear kept me from standing up for myself and getting justice.

An approach could be guerrilla art or a documentary. The guerrilla art could be a slide show or a visual representational of how cyber bullying has affected different people and how the suspect can be a victim themselves. Instead of focusing on who the victim is, maybe taking it from the perspective of the bully and what they go through that pushes them to be that cruel to to others. Raising awareness of how a bully may act this certain way because of the way that they are constantly treated, maybe at home or school. A cyberbully may do it just to get rid of the built up anger from being bullied themselves. The documentary can explore the bullies mindset and maybe they are just crying for help in a different way.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Education: A privilege or a right?

PHOTO: Malala Yousafzai
 I walk to class every day without thinking about it as a right, most days I do not want to be in class and the second the lesson begins I check out. I hear none of the lecture and go from one class to the next only being physically present, not absorbing even half the material. Every day when I attend class it's a privilege, but some days I only see it as a chore. Malala Yousafzai just last year was shot for trying to attend school, women are not allowed to attend school, but she did not care she just wanted an education. Education is being denied to nearly seventy million children around the world and 65 million of them are women. These children are not given the chance to tap into their potential without an education. Without an education the world is missing out on all the potential that these children have.  Mentioned in this article, "In 2012, there were 3,600 documented attacks on education, including violence, torture and intimidation against children and teachers, resulting in death or serious injuries, the shelling and bombing of schools and the recruitment of school-age children by armed groups." These children did not cause any trouble, all they want is to receive a quality education and make a living in life. The denial of an education makes their chances of making a living in life, less and less as another lesson is never taught. Honestly with all the new technology rapidly advancing in this world I do not understand why these children cannot receive the education that they deserve. I can open up my Internet browser and by simply just typing in a topic I can receive all sorts of information on the topic, but these children do not even books to learn from let alone the Internet. Thinking about how there are so many children around the world denied a  quality education, makes me more impelled to take advantage of the education that I have the privilege of receiving daily. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Say "NO" to abortion

Abortion is an issue very dear and near to my heart because I do not think that it's right to kill babies who do not have a say in the matter. Abortion is a coward's way out of parenthood, they made a mistake one night, but refuse to own up to the consequences of their mistake. Instead of respecting the life of their child, they choose to kill them, which is an awful choice in my mind. But, all the blame in the matter cannot fall on the couples, our society is becoming more and more technologically advanced, providing couples with a simple procedure to kill a innocent life.   I have debated for hours with people about abortion, granted both sides have their reasons, killing a baby just should not be justified. Many argue that abortion is right if the parents cannot support the child, but their is foster homes, adoption, so many people who would be honored to raise the child that is not wanted by the parents. Abortion should never be an option when it comes to a human being created in God's image, they deserve to live just like everyone else does. While reading articles about the abortion rate decreasing I came across this one article in particular that had the calculation of abortion's today, and the number was unbelievable, honestly I wish that the number was zero, but that's not the reality of today's world. It saddens me that 86 babies have been already aborted today just in the United States and it's only one a.m., by the end of the day that number will be unbelievable. The worldwide statistic is outrageous, 3,600 have been killed all over the world today, it disgusts me to think that 3,600 mothers chose their freedom over their children's lives today. I will honestly never believe that abortion is okay because it is not, you cannot just kill someone and get away with it, abortion is murder if the law recognizes it or not. It stresses me out so much to know that our government does not care about the lives of these babies, the government lets mother after mother murder a life. I am glad that the government concerns themselves with murders of a person, but It saddens me that unborn babies are not given the same justice as a victim whom is murdered in broad daylight. Because of my strong  point a view, i attend the march for life after January in Washington D.C., just praying for an end to this awful crime that mother's willing commit daily without punishment. One day I hope that abortion will become a thing of the past, that all babies will be given their chance in this world, but unfortunately I may never experience that in my lifetime with the climbing number of abortions daily. Within the time that I have taken to write this blog the worldwide statistic has gone from 3,600 abortions to 5,600; 2000 babies have been aborted in less than a hour. My prayer for the whole world is that one day everyone will get that the killing of unborn babies is wrong and every aborted baby deserves justice. My heart will never seize to break for the babies aborted every minute of every day because it's not fair to them at all. My biggest question is 'why isn't more being done to preserve the life's of these innocent children?' At this moment in time 28,992,920 babies have been aborted worldwide this year, I am scared to know what the number will be in a week from today, considering it increases by the second.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Iranians Imprisoned By Surveillance.

Fascinated by the surveillance of emails, Facebook accounts, phone calls, and conversations by the American government and companies, prompted me to look at surveillance in foreign countries who do not have a democracy. I found one article in particular about the surveillance in Iran that takes it much more serious than the United States. In the United States we live in a democracy, which gives individuals a lot of say in our government, a government in which one person doe not possess all the power, but rather shared among different levels. In Iran people are denied the right to speak up and voice their own individual opinions, the regime wants to control not only the country,but what and how their people say things. Because of their need for control they take surveillance a step further than just monitoring what is sent and to whom, they are getting rid of the threat by jailing the offender when a message that threatens their power is sent. In my opinion regardless of the fact that Iranians do not possess freedom of speech, it is not right to imprison someone based on one's opinions or ideas, I do understand the threat that the people against the Iranian regime poses, but in some cases people are being jailed for no other reason than just to be jailed. "A group who posted what appeared to be a relatively innocuous video of them lip-syncing to Pharrel’s hit song ‘Happy’ found themselves hauled to jail " (Doug Bernard). The video was innocent, just people having a good time singing together, but yet the government found it necessary to have them arrested. The regime was not threatened therefore the supposed suspects, just become innocent victims of the regime.  The purpose of the surveillance may seem necessary in particular situations, but in other situations it is just being abused by the regime's need to have complete control. Despite the regime's multiple threats and arrests, people still choose to speak and let their voices be heard. I think those who still speak out are courageous because they are not blind to the actions that the regime has taken against those who oppose to them, but they do not let that stop them. Personally I do not know how to stop the regime from abusing their power, but I do know that the intensity of their surveillance is overwhelming. I realize that freedom of speech is not a human right, but the regime's actions to arrest the innocent is not justified. This article reminds me of how blessed we are to have a democracy in the United States in which we have a say in who is in power and how they govern our country. If our current president abuses his power, he can be impeached and then we elect a new leader for our country, but the regime is not replaced unless it is overthrown, one can be in power for life which imprisons the citizens of Iran for many years to come.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Class survey

My name is Samantha Caruso-Taylor, but you can call me Sami Taylor. I am from Cleveland, Ohio. My email where I can be reached at is One thing that i consider unique about me is I have a helix device in the wall of my heart for closure of Atrial Septal Defect. I am also a distance runner, I run track and cross country. One thing that I really enjoy doing is having Disney marathons on rainy days. In order for me to take intellectual and creative risks in a course mutual respect needs to be present, so that I know that everyone's ideas and opinions are respected fully. Personally I believe that the GPS was the most important technological invention in history because I am not directionally talented, I like visuals a lot so telling me the directions to a specific location will not help me, but having the GPS to guide me and give me a visual of my route is very useful to me. Also without the GPS I would not be able to find an alternate route in case of construction or closures; the GPS quickly evaluates the situation and gives me other routes that are helpful or quicker than others. Social justice means that all people are treated equally no matter what; a person's race, gender, sexual orientation, social status or religion does not make them superior to others; all people are to be respected and acknowledged as human beings. Social justice is something that is very dear to my heart because of the focus it was given in my last theology class; that class gave me a new insight into the issues that i had been ignorant towards for so many years because of my lack of knowledge of them. Some issues that i find important are abortion, countries stuck in poverty, and religion. In accordance with abortion I have attended the march for life in  Washington D.C. every January for the past four years, a march that strives to put an end to abortions because killing an unborn child kills a future doctor, scientist, or our next president. This has been a cause very dear to my heart that i want to make illegal, so that more babies are given a chance in our world just like you and me.
What specifically fascinates you about social justice?

Which social justice issue do you hold near to your heart?